Why Wizard Fibre?
Wizard is a very fine glass fibre designed specifically for mortar or concrete reinforcement. It has been in use for decades in specialised architectural and construction projects where very high performance is required to withstand sustained stresses or harsh conditions and where long service is important.
Why a concrete pond?
– Concrete will be smooth, liners may have wrinkles
– Less vulnerable to damage from roots
– Will not puncture as liners can
– Low cost
– Resists damage by animals
– Long life expectancy
Why a Wizard Fibre?
– Allows a much stronger mix, leading to a smoother crack-resistant finish that is safer for the fish
– Saves money
– Increases workability, making it easier to apply
– Far stronger, more durable and easier to use than polypropylene alternatives
– Dramatically reduces the likelihood of leaks developing
– High zirconia content offers superb alkali resistance